Greetings in the name of Christ:

Please Read Romans 13:11-14


 I don't know about anyone but I am working on my defective character ...because I know that I will not take it to heaven as is (TM 233-234)...I know that Probation is soon to close, the Day of Atonement soon to give way to the feast of Tabernacles...the 1000 years of jubilee... Sister White says that not one sin must remain unconfessed, when Jesus leaves the heavenly Sanctuary (GC, "Time Of Trouble"). Now is time to work on every defect of character...to seek God with all the heart and soul and mind, to put away sin and prepare to meet the LORD (Amos 4:12).


WHY WE LEFT TABERNACLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Pablo and I left Tabernacle because we were not being fed there...the straight testimony (1T 181) was not being preached...the present truth (1 Peter 1:12) wasn't being presented. People were desiring smooth things spoken (1 Corinthians 14: 8), the heart searching called for by the True Witness (Rev. 3:14-19) wasn’t occurring. And the Three Angels Message and its right arm weren't being preached to the community...Where we are doing just that...preaching the gospel and teaching on character and health reform. I’d like to invite you to come to see what we are about. Bible Study (You are welcome to see for yourself) 1880 NE 159th Street Call Pablo (786) 295-7780...you are welcome to go with us and see what the Church is like...as well as ask questions...Don't just accept hear say!  We are living in the very last sector of time...God's people should be leading out in calling the world from sin to righteousness. I deeply would like you to study the truth for this time in the Scripture and Spirit of prophecy (Read EW 63:Present Truth...But I pray for you because you do not yet see that you are being held prison aboard a Roman "ship" headed straight to Rome (Acts 27:27-32)...and not towards God. I encourage you to study The 55th Chapter of Acts of The Apostle...I truly want you to come to my Church...study Rev. 14:6-12, and 18:1-5...compare with 1T "The Shaking" look at the state of the Church and consider: You wouldn't pay your rent to a landlord who was miss-managing your funds...yet you let the GC rob God (Malachi 3) instead of you...but its ok as long as you give it to them right? That money is to go to pay the salary of our ministers not to invest in stocks (James 5)... As we prepare for heaven we must be getting off of flesh food (1SM)...none who would eat of the tree of life (Rev. 22). Are to be now eating flesh...we should leave it alone...remember that God never wanted to give Israel flesh after the Exodus...they craved the fleshpots they had in Egypt (Exodus 16:2-14; Psalms 106:14,Numbers 11:4-33)...and God killed those who ate the flesh (Numbers 11:33), this is a time for heart searching, not fault finding (Romans 13: 11-14), a time to rend the heart and not the garment (Joel 2:13). God's people should be dwelling on the things of eternal value...using every resource to hasten the coming of Jesus...if we highly prize the lost...we would seek them. This is no time to be seeking worldly aggrandizement (1Jn 2); it is a time of serious character work. We should be weaning off of TV, meat and worldly gain...and preparing to gain heaven...


 We severed our ties with Tabernacle, because reading TM P 232-234, we felt that we were being called to preach the three angels messages to the world, but we were at Tabernacle, endeavoring to "wake up the sleeping saints."...We now know that God was grooming us to do an awesome work...A work that Tabernacle seemed neither ready for, nor un-willing to undertake...the call to return to Bible basics...putting away of sin, and getting rid of every defilement.


We love our brothers and sisters at Tabernacle...but to compromise by loving and living a lie...I don't think God is pleased by the path of many of the brethren...who are giving a blackened eye to the cause. We've spoken to many of our brothers and sisters, telling them that it is imperative to study the Testimonies and see just how far from the historic Church we have fallen...I encourage you to do the same.


Jesus wants to do an awesome work at Tabernacle, but He cannot as long as our people do not take a stand as the North Miami Church has...and sever every tie, with a corrupt Conference...and return to the pure faith that united our people in the 70s to organize...I pray that you will sincerely ask God for guidance as to what to do...time is critical...the 12/26/04 tsunami was our 1755 Lisbon...who is listening...it is now 10 years since Sabine died...she told a few of us she knew she would die before the Time of Trouble...10 years...will you not heed the warning?


I believe that God is going to do an amazing thing at Tabernacle in the next few months...Pastor Peay, and the leadership will indeed heed the call and proclaim a period of revival and reformation...do your part and pray that the Holy Spirit take hold of the work at TAB.



If you would share this with other members of Tabernacle...it would be appreciated (but only do so if you feel compelled by the Spirit...you may not think that we have left because of the Holy Spirit's calling).


Listen to this: James 4:17 say if you know to do good and you do not do it...its sin...can you honestly say that it is okay to:


1. Still sin (Matthew 1:21, 5:48)

2. Support the Corrupt GC (Ezekiel 8-10)

3. Rob God (Malachi 3)

4. Eat flesh (Numbers 11:33)







If you have questions please email me!






If you can prove from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy that we should not have left Tabernacle...let us know...and we will return and repent!


Jesus is soon to come, probation is soon to close...we haven't a heaven or hell to put anyone in.but Jesus does...listen to His voice...let Him tell you what to do...then do it...For you must be all of Christ' or not at all


God Bless You

Vernon S. Peters


